Workaroud for U-boot’s unstable `usb start`Since I can’t attach a USB-to-TTL to my N1 box right now, I can’t confirm this is the same issue as a topic found in U-boot’s mailing list ([U-Boot] ‘usb start’ works very unstable).
I came into this issue when I tried to boot my Phicomm N1 box from a USB stick. It sometimes boot without issue, but in most cases, it just silently “ignored” the USB stick and boot from its internal eMMC.
As a workaround, I added a delay and let it retry booting from USB, in case the first usb start
1 fw_setenv start_autoscript 'if usb start; then run start_usb_autoscript; fi; sleep 1; if usb start; then run start_usb_autoscript; fi; run start_emmc_autoscript;'
I suspect this has something to do with timings, but I didn’t do further investigation.
With this patch, booting from USB-stick works adequate reliably.
Since I can’t attach a USB-to-TTL to my N1 box right now, I can’t confirm this is the same issue as a topic found in U-boot’s mailing list ([U-Boot] ‘usb start’ works very unstable).
I came into this issue when I tried to boot my Phicomm N1 box from a USB stick. It sometimes boot without issue, but in most cases, it just silently “ignored” the USB stick and boot from its internal eMMC.
As a workaround, I added a delay and let it retry booting from USB, in case the first usb start
1 | fw_setenv start_autoscript 'if usb start; then run start_usb_autoscript; fi; sleep 1; if usb start; then run start_usb_autoscript; fi; run start_emmc_autoscript;' |
I suspect this has something to do with timings, but I didn’t do further investigation.
With this patch, booting from USB-stick works adequate reliably.