task::promise_type::always_suspend::await_ready() const:
mov eax, 0
mov eax, 1
fancy_task(fancy_task(int)::_Z10fancy_taski.Frame*) [clone .actor]:
push rbp
push rbx
sub rsp, 8
mov rbx, rdi ; `rbx` holds `coroutine_handle<>`.
movzx ecx, WORD PTR [rdi+36] ; Loads current state (of the state machine the coroutine represents).
test cl, 1 ; Not destroying the coroutine?.
je .L4
cmp cx, 7 ; State > 3? Note that 3 comes from `7 >> 1`.
ja .L5 ; Unexpected then.
mov eax, 170 ; ???
shr rax, cl
test al, 1
jne .L6
.L5: ; Unexpected state.
cmp cx, 4 ; State 2.
je .L7
ja .L8
test cx, cx
je .L9 ; State 0.
cmp cx, 2
jne .L11 ; Not state 1, either. Unexpected.
mov BYTE PTR [rbx+39], 1 ; ??? state 0 finishes (i.e., `initial_suspend` called)?
mov DWORD PTR [rbx+44], 0 ; Initialize `i`.
jmp .L14
cmp cx, 6 ; State 3.
jne .L11
.L6: ; Epilogue. State 3.
; ??? Coroutine alive?
; Note that this is not necessarily the same as `coroutine_handle<>.done()`,
; the latter returns `true` as soon as `final_suspend()` is reached, while
; this flag is set only after `final_suspend()` has been resumed.
cmp BYTE PTR [rbx+38], 0
jne .L17
.L3: ; Return control to the caller.
add rsp, 8
pop rbx
pop rbp
.L11: ; Unexpected state.
.L9: ; Prologue. State 0, runs before `initial_suspend()`.
mov QWORD PTR [rbx+24], rdi ; Stores `coroutine_handle<>` in ... `coroutine_handle<>`?
mov BYTE PTR [rdi+39], 0 ; ??? state 0 finishes?
lea rbp, [rdi+40] ; Space allocated for `always_suspend` returned by `initial_suspend()` in coroutine state.
mov rdi, rbp
call task::promise_type::always_suspend::await_ready() const
test al, al
jne .L10 ; No need to suspend.
mov WORD PTR [rbx+36], 2 ; Next state (of FSM this coroutine represents) will be state 1.
mov rsi, rbx
mov rdi, rbp
call task::promise_type::always_suspend::await_suspend(std::__n4861::coroutine_handle<task::promise_type>) ; See if we really need to suspend.
test al, al
jne .L3 ; Yes, returning to the caller.
jmp .L10 ; Jump ahead to state 1 then.
.L7: ; State 2. Also the beginning of the `for` loop.
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbx+44] ; Loads `i`.
add eax, 1
mov DWORD PTR [rbx+44], eax
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbx+44]
cmp eax, 100 ; `for` loop ends?
je .L18
add eax, DWORD PTR [rbx+32] ; Loads `x` and adds it to `i`.
mov DWORD PTR [rbx+52], eax ; Keep the result.
lea rbp, [rbx+48] ; `always_suspend` object (returned by `yield_value(integral auto&&)`) allocated in coroutine state?
mov rdi, rbp
call task::promise_type::always_suspend::await_ready() const ; See if we need to suspend.
test al, al
jne .L7 ; No need to suspend.
mov WORD PTR [rbx+36], 4
mov rsi, QWORD PTR [rbx+24] ; `coroutine_handle<>`.
mov rdi, rbp
call task::promise_type::always_suspend::await_suspend(std::__n4861::coroutine_handle<task::promise_type>)
test al, al ; Needs to suspend?
jne .L3 ; Yes, leaving.
jmp .L7 ; Otherwise keep looping.
.L18: ; `for` loop ends.
; Clear pointer to FSM represented by this coroutine.
; Indicates `coroutine_handle::done()`?
; As a reminder, resuming a coroutine suspended on its `final_suspend()` is U.B,
; therefore setting FSM to `nullptr` prior to calling `final_suspend()` won't
; hurt well-formed programs.
mov QWORD PTR [rbx], 0
lea rbp, [rbx+56] ; `always_suspend` for `final_suspend()`.
mov rdi, rbp
call task::promise_type::always_suspend::await_ready() const
test al, al
jne .L6 ; Don't suspend, falling through to state 3.
mov WORD PTR [rbx+36], 6 ; Next state is 3.
mov rsi, QWORD PTR [rbx+24] ; `coroutine_handle<>`.
mov rdi, rbp
call task::promise_type::always_suspend::await_suspend(std::__n4861::coroutine_handle<task::promise_type>)
test al, al
jne .L3 ; Suspend, returning to the caller.
jmp .L6 ; No need to suspend, continuing state 3.
.L17: ; Destroyes the coroutine.
mov rdi, rbx
call operator delete(void*)
jmp .L3
fancy_task(fancy_task(int)::_Z10fancy_taski.Frame*) [clone .destroy]:
sub rsp, 8
or WORD PTR [rdi+36], 1 # LSB set to 1 indicates leaving?
call fancy_task(fancy_task(int)::_Z10fancy_taski.Frame*) [clone .actor]
add rsp, 8
task::promise_type::promise_type() [base object constructor]:
mov QWORD PTR [rdi], 0
lea rax, [rdi-16] ; `coroutine_handle`.
mov QWORD PTR [rdi], rax
push rbp
push rbx
sub rsp, 8
mov ebp, edi
mov edi, 64
; Allocates coroutine state (stack frame, actually). The `coroutine_handle<>`
; also holds this value (at least on GCC).
call operator new(unsigned long)
mov rbx, rax
mov BYTE PTR [rax+38], 1 ; ??? Coroutine alive?
; State machine? Seemingly reset to `nullptr` on coroutine completion (i.e.,
; `coroutine_handle<>.done()`)
mov QWORD PTR [rax], OFFSET FLAT:fancy_task(fancy_task(int)::_Z10fancy_taski.Frame*) [clone .actor]
mov QWORD PTR [rax+8], OFFSET FLAT:fancy_task(fancy_task(int)::_Z10fancy_taski.Frame*) [clone .destroy] ; `coroutine_handle.destroy`
mov DWORD PTR [rax+32], ebp ; Saves stack pointer
lea rdi, [rax+16] ; Pointer to promise object contained by coroutine state.
call task::promise_type::promise_type() [complete object constructor]
mov WORD PTR [rbx+36], 0 ; Current state?
mov rdi, rbx
call fancy_task(fancy_task(int)::_Z10fancy_taski.Frame*) [clone .actor] ; Enter the state machine.
add rsp, 8
pop rbx
pop rbp
sub rsp, 8
mov edi, 5 ; Our argument to `fancy_task`
call fancy_task(int)
mov eax, 0
add rsp, 8