Made even more (once) reserved memory available to Linux on Phicomm N1

The corresponding memory region was shrinked in DTB for 3.1x by this patch, and I changed the dtb I’m using accordingly.

This change frees up 15M of memory. stress-ngContinue reading

Get fw_printenv working on Phicomm N1

fw_printenv / fw_setenv on Armbian 5.6x does not work out of box:

To solve this issue, put the following to /etc/fw_env.config:

IIRC Armbian 5.40- had this file inContinue reading

Override available memory region passed to Linux by U-boot

It looks that u-boot does not make the whole memory region visible to Linux kernel on my N1 box:

Note the value 78 00 00 00 above, it meansContinue reading

Lost USB connection between USB hard drive and Phicomm N1 after a while

My N1 box lost connection to USB hard drive after a while, and dmesg shows something like this:

I tried replacing my cable, moving the USB hard drive toContinue reading