Boot Phicomm N1 without emmc_autoscript / s905_autoscript

It’s recommended to backup your firmware environment variables before changing them.

If fw_printenv / fw_setenv does not work on your device, you might want to checkout this post to fix them.

emmc_autoscript / s905_autoscript is just a script run by start_emmc_autoscript:

In your case start_emmc_autoscript is likely using fatload instead ext4load as here. I changed the variable to use ext4 /boot partition before.

If you got an error from executing this command, such as ## Error: "start_emmc_autoscript" not defined, it means that your device is not booting though the variable. You could fix this by:

Do not reboot your system now. start_emmc_autoscript has not been defined yet (see below).

Let’s get back to emmc_autoscript. The file in my case is:

This chould be different from your case, as I changed it so that kernel image name could by specified in /boot/uEnv.ini.

It’s possible to bake the entire script into firmware variables, by executing the following commands:

The following commands also 1) change filename of /boot/uEnv.ini to /boot/boot.ini, 2) read dtb’s filename from /boot/boot.ini instead of hardcoding it, 3) and change the variable names of kernel_name, dtb_name in /boot/boot.ini to image, dtb, respectively. Feel free to revert these changes back if you want.

Actually I believe that with the help of rewritting start_emmc_autoscript (to import /boot/boot.ini using env import), emmc_autoscript could be written in /boot/boot.ini (in a slightly different format, though) in its entirety. However, I don’t see much sense in doing this, they do not change much anyway.

… and use /boot/boot.ini to specify the kernel, initrd, and dtb’s filename:

/boot/uEnv.ini, /boot/*_autoscript could all be removed now.

Now /boot/ should look like this way:

9 thoughts on “Boot Phicomm N1 without emmc_autoscript / s905_autoscript”

  1. thanks for the idea, i tried to load uboot directly with ext4load from start_emmc_autoscript, but it won’t boot, turns out there is bug in ext4load, but good news is that phicomm uboot has another 2 commands to avoid the bug: icache on ; dcache on

    so this is the final, now we can get rid of the scripts on /boot, and i can have single extlinux directory on boot.

    start_emmc_autoscript=icache on ; dcache on ; if ext4load mmc 1 0x1000000 uboot; then go 0x1000000; fi;

    do the same for start_usb_autoscript


  2. after successfully load mainline uboot from ext4 root partition, without the EMMC_AUTOSCRIPT / S905_AUTOSCRIPT. i try to move it further to put uboot in /boot/extlinux/uboot, and instruct start_emmc_autoscript to load uboot from “extlinux/uboot”, here is the result

    ext4load extlinux/uboot : failed to boot
    fatload extlinux/uboot : ok to boot.

    looks like there is another bug for ext4load.
    so, give up, now my /boot looks like this:


    1. As far as I can understand it, I see no reason how enabling icache/dcache can address correctness issues.

      Sure its beneficial from performance perspective but that is unlikely to cause any difference in functionality.

      One thing that crossed my mind it that Cortex-A53 (among others ARM uarchs) does not keep icache coherent with dcache, so one needs to flush icache explicitly for self-modifying-code to run correctly.

      Difference between fatload and extload might be caused by different icache footprint, and fatload inadvertently (and “correctly”) evicted cache lines that should be flushed.

      Doing an icache flush before jumping to newly-loaded code might make a difference.

      But I no longer have an N1 at hand so all of the above are my speculation and probably wrong, do take them with a grain of salt.

    2. i don’t know which part did not work, but since “….fatload whatever/dir/uboot ; go 0xHEX” ALWAYS work, but ext4load + go always fail. i gave icache, dcache a try, and it happened to be working.

      let me try “icache flush” alone. and i’ll come back to you.

    3. icache flush or dcache flush or both does not make a difference.

      still can’t load uboot from another dir in ext4 root : ext4load uboot fine, ext4load [/]extlinux/uboot fail.

      i don’t have serial connection so i don’t know what actually happened.

  3. maybe it is related to how ext4 was formatted? here is the print

    sudo tune2fs -l /dev/mmcblk1p1
    tune2fs 1.46.5 (30-Dec-2021)
    Filesystem volume name:
    Last mounted on: /boot
    Filesystem UUID: 8632715c-4a22-4427-b9bf-e9c79682f1c2
    Filesystem magic number: 0xEF53
    Filesystem revision #: 1 (dynamic)
    Filesystem features: has_journal ext_attr resize_inode dir_index filetype needs_recovery extent 64bit flex_bg sparse_super large_file huge_file dir_nlink extra_isize metadata_csum
    Filesystem flags: unsigned_directory_hash
    Default mount options: user_xattr acl
    Filesystem state: clean
    Errors behavior: Continue
    Filesystem OS type: Linux
    Inode count: 32768
    Block count: 131072
    Reserved block count: 6553
    Overhead clusters: 6347
    Free blocks: 119674
    Free inodes: 32665
    First block: 0
    Block size: 4096
    Fragment size: 4096
    Group descriptor size: 64
    Reserved GDT blocks: 63
    Blocks per group: 32768
    Fragments per group: 32768
    Inodes per group: 8192
    Inode blocks per group: 512
    Flex block group size: 16
    Filesystem created: Sat Dec 24 08:55:29 2022
    Last mount time: Mon Dec 26 14:50:54 2022
    Last write time: Mon Dec 26 14:50:54 2022
    Mount count: 34
    Maximum mount count: -1
    Last checked: Sat Dec 24 08:55:29 2022
    Check interval: 0 ()
    Lifetime writes: 52 MB
    Reserved blocks uid: 0 (user root)
    Reserved blocks gid: 0 (group root)
    First inode: 11
    Inode size: 256
    Required extra isize: 32
    Desired extra isize: 32
    Journal inode: 8
    Default directory hash: half_md4
    Directory Hash Seed: 3083faf5-67a0-40cf-b488-7b1e3ac868ec
    Journal backup: inode blocks
    Checksum type: crc32c
    Checksum: 0x5f1c9f74

  4. i see your another post, say 64bit has to be turned off? in my case, i did not turn it off. what i did is just mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk1p1/p2

    funny enough:

    # with emmc_autoscript
    start_emmc_autoscript=if ext4load mmc 1 1020000 emmc_autoscript; then autoscr 1020000; fi;
    in emmc_autoscript : if ext4load mmc 1 0x1000000 uboot; then go 0x1000000; fi; // work

    # without emmc_autoscript
    start_emmc_autoscript=if ext4load mmc 1 0x1000000 uboot; then go 0x1000000; fi; // fail, but fatload works.
    # without emmc_autoscript, add icache dcache
    start_emmc_autoscript=icache on; dcache on ; if ext4load mmc 1 0x1000000 uboot; then go 0x1000000; fi; // work, fatload works too.

    # without emmc_autoscript, add icache dcache, use one more level directory
    start_emmc_autoscript=icache on; dcache on ; if ext4load mmc 1 0x1000000 extlinux/uboot; then go 0x1000000; fi; // fail, but fatload works.

    # without emmc_autoscript, add icache dcache, use one more level directory, add a flush
    start_emmc_autoscript=icache on; dcache on ; icache flush ; dcache flush ; if ext4load mmc 1 0x1000000 extlinux/uboot; then go 0x1000000; fi; // fail

    1. I’m not sure if 64bit is still relevant here. I assume it was just a bug of certain versions of UBoot and should have been fixed.

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